Astra Personal sp. z o.o. English

Are you looking for employees for your company?

Trust our experience! We are specialists in employing foreign workers from Ukraine and Belarus.

Astra Personal Employment Agency specialises in the recruitment of temporary workers, human resources logistics, as well as helping companies with all HR and tax formalities.
Astra Personal operates in accordance with international standards and local labour laws/regulations.
We work with companies in the SME sector offering expert customer service, advice and professional assistance at every stage of cooperation.

We provide companies with qualified personnel, while ensuring the security of the posts entrusted to us and the reduction of personnel costs.
We help with any communication problems related to the language barrier – our experts communicate fluently in two languages.


We conduct recruitment through our own recruitment office. Our experienced and qualified staff is able to recruit and handle any number of temporary employees in a short period of time and to find qualified specialists as required by the companies we cooperate with.


We offer the leasing of employees to another entrepreneur. This type of employment is a convenient solution for industries of a seasonal nature or for the implementation of a one-off project.

Employee leasing

Employee outsourcing, offered by Astra Personal Agency, is a tool used by employers in order to reduce the number of full-time positions in the workplace or to transfer duties related to personnel and payroll services of persons employed in a given company.

Employee outsourcing

Our mission

We act as an intermediary in effectively connecting employers with employees. We advise on the most effective solutions, act in accordance with international standards and local labour law, ensure that companies have qualified staff and provide employees with decent working and living conditions.

What do we do?

Astra Personal Employment Agency specialises in the recruitment of temporary workers, human resources logistics, as well as helping companies with all HR and tax formalities.


In order to find out how we work together in more detail, call and make an appointment with an expert: +48 730 165 950

Astra Personal

We help jobseekers to obtain suitable employment and employers to find employees with proper qualifications.

Recruitment of employees

Recruitment of employees

Recruitment of employees

We conduct recruitment through our own recruitment office. Our experienced and qualified staff is able to recruit and handle any number of temporary employees in a short period of time and to find qualified specialists as required by the companies we cooperate with.

We take care of all costs and formalities related to the recruitment of employees. We edit job advertisements, verify CVs, conduct interviews, surveys and tests. We use advertising portals and we also have our own database of skilled employees.

In order to understand the employment needs, we meet with our customers and discuss all aspects of staff shortages in detail. After conducting an audit, we deal with the search for employees with the appropriate qualifications, ready to take up work under the conditions proposed by our customers. Thus, all HR and payroll responsibilities are taken over by our Agency.

Employee leasing

Employee leasing

Employee leasing

We offer the leasing of employees to another entrepreneur. This type of employment is a convenient solution for industries of a seasonal nature or for the implementation of a one-off project.
The process of hiring an employee is based on the conclusion of a contract between two companies. The contract specifies the terms and conditions of employee leasing, such as the length of time for which the employee will be hired, the number of hours to be worked, the number of days of annual leave, the scope of duties and the amount of remuneration. The leasing of employees from Ukraine is regulated by Polish and international law and is therefore subject to control by state institutions.

Employee outsourcing

Employee outsourcing

Employee outsourcing

Employee outsourcing, offered by Astra Personal Agency, is a tool used by employers in order to reduce the number of full-time positions in the workplace or to transfer duties related to personnel and payroll services of persons employed in a given company.
We offer Outsourcing services on a subcontract basis to third parties. As part of staff outsourcing, our tasks include carrying out the recruitment process, sending employees for medical examinations, carrying out safety training, providing accommodation and transporting employees.

What does the company gain by outsourcing its employees?

What does the company gain by outsourcing its employees?

What does the company gain by outsourcing its employees?

  • reduction of costs related to the recruitment, medical examinations and training of employees
  • increased effectiveness of company operations
  • reduction of operating costs 
  • minimising operational risk
  • gaining a whole team of new employees in a short period of time
  • ensuring human resources services by qualified specialists
  • transferring payroll and HR administration tasks to the Agency
  • by taking over the entire production or operational process at our customers' workplaces, we provide 100% supervision of the outcome.

Employees from Ukraine

In today's labour market, employees from eastern countries are highly sought after and valued due to their competence, responsibility, willingness to work and reasonable financial expectations.
Astra Personal has a database of employees from all industries.
By entrusting us to find a suitable candidate for an employee, companies avoid many of the formalities associated with hiring a foreigner.

Benefits for companies from cooperation with Astra Personal:

Wide range of services

We employ experienced workers from Ukraine, Belarus and every voivodeship of Poland, offer initial training, help with the legalisation of stay and work.


We minimise formalities to one contract and one invoice, we react quickly to changing personnel needs of the company, we ensure knowledge of the currently applicable law.


The risk of employing foreigners is taken over by the Agency, we offer substitution in case of employee resignation or health problems, companies using our services are exempt from administrative checks.


Astra Personal sp. z o.o

Jana Kilińskiego 31/A22

76-200 Słupsk

+48 730 165 950


Seasonal work

Short-term work

Fees for applications

Detection of bogus applications


Are you looking for an employee?

Give us your phone number or your e-mail address. We will contact you.

  • Phone number
  • Email

We will take care of it! We look forward to hearing from you.

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